Oriental Rug Cleaning Franklin TN & Brentwood TN

We take pride in offering a state of the art Are Rug cleaning procedure, where we gently, yet thoroughly, hand clean Oriental rugs such as Persian, Indian, Chinese, Afghan, and so many more. In our years of service, we have handled textiles weaved in various parts of the world, from Turkey and Morocco to Portugal and Spain, as well as the many countries in between. Our certified rug specialists treat each rug with special attention and the cleaning process in customized for each particular type of fiber, whether natural or synthetic, such as wool, cotton, jute, silk, sisal, polyester, nylon, acrylic, and more.

Area rugs are cleaned at our rug spa is located at 1118 W. main Street Franklin, TN.  the rugs are inspected to determine the correct cleaning process needed. Rugs are then tested for color fastness to test if colors bleed. We apply dye stabalizer to prevent any color loss or bleeding. Rugs are then dusted using a commercial rug beater and washed using different methods depending on fiber type, age and condition of rug. The cleaning methods we use are complete submersion in water and appropriate cleaning products and then flushed and fresh water rinsed thoroughly, steam clean and rinse extraction. Fringes are treated separately and hand cleaned in order to achieve the best cleaning results as well as to prevent damage.

For more information on area rug cleaning Franklin TN, or Brentwood TN call Carpet Technologies at 615-972-1441

Carpet Technologies
1118 W. Main St. FranklinTN37064 USA 
 • 615-972-1441


  1. Safara says:

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